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Add VoteDown To Your Protest & Power Up Your Message

  • Powerful - Representatives can't ignore your message when powered by VoteDown
  • Hassle Free - We take care of all the processing and regulations
  • Secure - We handle all of the security hassles for the payment processing
  • Powerful Tools - Campaigns, Groups, and Communication Tools
  • Free To Use - No cost to empower your campaign

Empower your message and help drive political change!

Current Influence Campaigns

You Contact Congress

You're users are upset at their representatives in Congress. They use your service to contact them.

Their representative easily ignores the feedback and tosses out the grievance.

Rep Ignores You

VoteDown Powered Campaigns

Voter Contact Congress

You add VoteDown to your service to amplify your message by pairing it with money donated against them.

Now, the Representatives can't ignore your members and have to take the issue seriously.

Reps Listen To You
Why Congress Ignores You
(most of the time)

Your organization needs to influence a Congressional member to action and needs your message to be taken seriously. What are your options?
Organize a petition drive? Ignored
Have your members send emails? Ignored
Have your members send letters? Ignored
Have your members call their representative? Ignored

Why is this?

Representatives know that your members only have so much time and so much anger, and the politician will not be up for re-election for YEARS. So, they can safely ignore your members, right up until the election season, counting on the fact that everyone is busy and will forget.

VoteDown is changing this dynamic. By taking in contributions *against* a representative, at any time in their term, they know they can't ignore you. The outrage may fade, but the money against them will last forever and kill their chances of re-election.

How VoteDown Enhances Your Message

You Care Deeply About An Issue

You organize your members, but, your Senator or Representative is not listening. They are too enamored with the lobbyist army on the other side.

We Communicate In Real Time

We communicate the fundraising against the politician in real time, along with the reasons why. They can either get on board, or see donations against them continue to pour in, dooming their re-election chances.

cycle image

Add A VoteDown Campaign To The Fight

Add a Campaign targeting the reticent member of Congress, highlighting your issue and their lack of response.

Communicate With Your Members

Members can donate $5 or whatever they can spare. We pool all of those donations against the politician together, bringing political power by unifying all of the people together.

Representative Meeting

It's Time For Our Representatives To Stand With Us